Every construction contract awarded by the federal government requires the creation and use of an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each and every step or Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) of the project. The creation of each AHA requires a substantial amount of both experience and research to correctly complete. For those in the industry, it’s honestly a daunting task for even the most seasoned safety professionals.
Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 320 of the 1,008 construction fatalities in 2018 were caused by falls from elevation. All of these deaths are preventable.
Let’s face it: construction workers are a tough breed. Long hours, cold, rain, and the occasional smashed finger are all just part of the job. But now construction workers are facing something they cannot see that can have serious health implications for them and their families. As construction resumes throughout the country, new protocols for worker safety are being implemented on job sites and in offices, and construction companies must thoroughly explain the risks and controls in order to fully educate their workforce.
As construction resumes throughout the country, new protocols for the safety of workers are being implemented on job sites and in offices in what, arguably, is the greatest unified safety operation ever.
COVID-19 has shaken our economy and our way of life as we know it. Never in modern history has a health crisis emerged so quickly and so close to home. Coronavirus has had a profound effect on many of our friends and family members, cutting out a significant portion of the workforce.