Category: Environmental Protection


Create the Plan. Manage the Environment. Let Technology Help.

Years ago, working for a larger construction company, I had an epiphany that sometimes, even seasoned companies don’t necessarily do everything better. Occasionally, they even succeed in spite of themselves. The first project that I was assigned to had been awarded six months prior, was approximately $25 mil, and was about to be terminated by the Government for the company’s failure to perform. During my initial meeting with the Government’s CM, I found out why.


Need Help Setting Up an Environmental Protection Plan?

Environmental Protection Plans (EPP) are one of the construction contractor’s first administrative hurdles before work can begin on a project. In recent years, Federal projects have become increasingly focused on environmental protection, and with good reason. The purpose of an EPP is to outline the mitigation measures, contingency plans, and emergency procedures required to protect the environment in proximity to a job site. Compiling this document can be extremely time-consuming as managers aim to comprehensively address every unique facet of the project.


How To Find The Right Construction Technology Partner

As a contractor, you’re constantly on the lookout for opportunities to take your business to the next level. This often boils down to innovative new technologies that can help your employees work more efficiently, and in the process, saving valuable dollars for the organization. At the same time, because you’re a business decision-maker, you’re probably being propositioned by dozens of potential new partners every week. So how do you separate the contenders from the pretenders? 


Three Subjects to Consider In An Environmental Protection Plan

We’ve covered worker safety extensively on our blog lately, but wanted to shift gears towards another extremely important topic: Environmental Protection. Especially in Industrial or Heavy Construction, opportunities to negatively impact the environment are around every corner. It’s our job as professionals to not only do our job safely and efficiently but to protect the surrounding area and mitigate any environmental impacts caused by construction operations. Construction projects can be large undertakings that often involve heavy equipment. The use of these can heavily degrade the environment over time, and it’s crucial to have an effective plan in place to help mitigate these risks.