Category: Risk Management Page 3


How to Make a Crystalline Silica Exposure Control Plan

The top priority of any competent construction management team is the safety of its employees. With that safety, comes the responsibility to train and prepare for a variety of different situations that may compromise your team. 


Submittal and Procurement Registers: How the Quality Control Manager and Superintendent Work Together to Ensure On-time Delivery

While many construction professionals look to the superintendent to make sure schedules are met, the Quality Control Manager actually plays an equally critical role in the process.  A superintendent can lay out a great schedule but if the two aren’t working as a team to ensure a coordinated and timely submittal and procurement process, it will be all for nothing.   


What Business Are We Really In? Risk Management!

What Business Are We Really In? Risk Management!

As construction professionals, we take pride in what we do as carpenters, laborers, operators, electricians, managers, and contractors; building projects both large and small. When people ask us what we do, the answer comes with a sense of accomplishment and generally a list of recognizable projects we have constructed.